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Prague destined to become the center of the engineering world, at least at the WEC 2023 convention

Sounds like the kind of engineer’s convention you just have to visit

For the first time in history, the Czech metropolis is preparing for the World Engineers Convention. It is the most important activity of the World Federation of Engineering Organizations (the World Federation of Engineering Organizations - WFEO), which is organized every four years on different continents representing the largest global meeting of engineers, scientists, technicians, students, representatives of universities, industry, research, media, and political spheres.

The venue of the seventh convention for the year 2023 was decided in a tender whereby the proposal of the Czech Association of Scientific and Technical Societies was deemed to be the most desirable. The victory in the tender and the decision to organize the convention in the Czech Republic is an expression of appreciation for the expertise of Czech industry, science, and technology. It is a unique opportunity to introduce the Czech Republic to the world and celebrate its contribution to solving global problems, including the sustainable development goals declared by the UN, the participation in the "Great Transformation" and the contribution to making the Earth a better place for everyone.

World Engineers Convention - WEC 2023 takes place from October 9 to 15, 2023. It has two parts: the WFEO working meeting at the ČSVTS headquarters at Novotného Lávka 5 in Prague 1 and the professional congress, which will take place from October 11 to 13. October 2023 in the Congress Center Prague.

As an invitation to the convention, a special video was created that presents WEC 2023 as a perfect mix of science and leisure against the backdrop of Prague.

 A conference that has a world-class sound

The event received the support of a number of important domestic and foreign institutions, including for example, the auspices of UNESCO and the Czech Commission for UNESCO, and the Ministry of the Interior, Prominent personalities have supported the event such as Prime Minister Petr Fiala and UN Secretary-General Antónia Guterres. Noted Czech technical universities have promised partnership cooperation such as TAČR, ČKAIT, ČKA, SP ČR, SPS, as well as ČEZ, which incidentally is also the platinum sponsor of the event.

The main objective of the 7th WEC Convention 2023 is to emphasize the key role of engineers, technicians, scientists, and all interested parties contributing to the solution of critical global problems facing humanity and to the achievement of the sustainable development goals declared by the United Nations in the "UN Sustainable Development Goals".

WEC 2023 will present the most advanced current and future technologies based on the field of cybernetics, robotics, and artificial intelligence, which will fundamentally affect energy, transport, industry, and healthcare and can contribute to solving global problems such as water supply, the impact of climate change and industrial disasters. The convention also places great emphasis on innovations in education and the lifelong professional career cycle of engineers, especially the younger generation and women in general.

A program fine-tuned to the last detail

The professional program of the congress is divided into 14 sections, including an accompanying exhibition of both domestic and foreign industrial and scientific institutions. The program also includes organized professional excursions to important industrial enterprises and research institutions in the Czech Republic. The morning and afternoon sessions of the congress will commence with invited lectures from renowned domestic and foreign personalities.

The scientific level of the convention corresponds to the very best international standard, and the most important contributions will be published in the CTU technical journal Acta Polytechnica.

Detailed information about the event is available on the website