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International Activities of  Member Societies

Czech Metallurgical Society

The Czech Metallurgical Society cooperates very intensively in joint activities and exchange of experience namely with SITPH – Polish Association of Engineers and Technicians in Metallurgy, SHS – Slovak Metallurgical Society, VDEh – Association of German Metallurgical Engineers and occasionally with other metallurgical societies from EU countries. Further it cooperates with European and global organizations on the creation of a calendar of international technical conferences and seminars. The Czech Metallurgical Society is a member of IISI – the International Iron and Steel Institute, which since 2008 is renamed to the World Steel Association. The Czech Metallurgical Society has close long-time relations with Polish (AGH Krakow, Politechnika Czenstochowa), Slovak (TU Košice) and Austrian (Leoben) universities.

The Czech Information Society

The Czech Information Society (CIS) was established in 1990 and is focused on the support of trends in the expansion of informatics as a necessary condition for the development of knowledge society. A specific orientation of the Czech Information Society is practical application of theoretical outputs of information science, not only in the academic and public environment but also in the private sector. This activity is also performed on an international level. CIS constantly cooperates with the Czech ITU (International Telecommunication Union, Geneva) expert team. A characteristic activity of CIS is cooperation with the Institute of information studies and library science of the Faculty of Arts of Charles University where it helps in the development of young experts and mediates their communication with experts in practical experience. This cooperation started during the 2007 BOBCATSSS conference (organized by the European Association for Library and Information Education and Research) and is still developed. CIS supported several international study visits of students. Students are always encouraged not only to enhance their own competences, but through detailed investigations performed abroad to upgrade knowledge of Czech experts. Experts from abroad regularly participate in the programme of regular IKI (Information, Competitiveness, Innovation) conferences organized every year (continuously since 2008).

Czech Water Management Society

The Czech Commission on Large Dams, a partner of the Czech Water Management Society, is a member of the Internation Commission on Large Dams (ICOLD) the headquarters of which are in Paris. The International Commission on Large Dams is a non-governmental organization the role of which is to provide a forum for the exchange of experience and knowledge of dam building and safety. Every year ICOLD organizes symposia and every three years “World Dam Congresses” in which delegates of the Czech Commission actively participate. In November 2008, ICOLD celebrated the 80th anniversary of its establishment (the former Czechoslovak Republic belonged to its founder members). Members of the Czech Commission on Large Dams are very active in six technical committees. ICOLD comprises 88 national member committees. Members of the Czech Commission on Large Dams actively participate in the work of 6 technical committees. Now there are more than 50 000 dams in the world, most of the new ones are built at present in Asia.

Czech Mechanical Engineering Society

The Czech Association for Hydraulics and Pneumatics as a professional section of the Czech Mechanical Engineering Society has been a member of the international non-governmental organization ”European Fluid Power Committee“ (Comité Européen des Transmissions Oléohydrauliques et Pneumatiques, CETOP) with its headquarters in Frankfurt am Mainz since 1997. This base for hydraulics in Europe promotes mutual cooperation of European countries in the field of hydraulic industry, offers its members educational programmes and standards, exchange of experience and knowledge etc. CETOP headquarters publish a handbook - the „CETOP Directory“ - containing basic information about firms and other organizations of each of its member countries. In the same way, legal entities associated in the Czech Association for Hydraulics and Pneumatics are obliged to provide selected data on production capacity and components for CETOP headquarters. This is to ensure access to the updated database throughout the European region, which is accessible in full to all CETOP members. CETOP representatives attend a General Assembly organized once a year in a different country, where further activities of this organization are coordinated. The Czech Association for Hydraulics organizes in a traditional 2.5 year interval an international conference “Hydraulics and Pneumatics”. The last one, already the 22nd, was in October 2013. At present the next conference is prepared for June 2016. Regular participants are not only from Europe but also from USA and Japan.

The division Tribotechnology cooperates with the Slovak society for Tribology and Tribotechnology of the Slovak Association (ZSVTS) and also organizes, with participation of Slovak colleagues, international Czecho – Slovak conferences. The Slovak ZSVTS appreciated cooperation with Czech partners by awarding a honorary Plaque to the chairman of the Tribotechnology division.

Czech Chemical Society

he society is since 1970 a founder member of the European Association of Chemical Societies at present called the European Association for Chemical and Molecular Sciences, abbr. EuCheMS. At present the Society has its representatives in the Executive Board and Boards of a number of technical groups and divisions. The role of the Czech Chemical Society (CCS) is highly appreciated by the Association and this is the reason why CCS was entrusted to organize in 2012 the 4th European Chemical Congress with 2000 participants. A number of symposia and scientific conferences in the Czech Republic are denoted “EuCheMS Recognized Event” – in 2014 e.g. the Conference on Organic Free Radicals, the 22nd Conference on Isoprenoids and the 10th International Congress on Polysacharides –Glycoscience. CCS administers a register for EuCheMS and the secretariat of the European Chemist Registration Board (with a Czech Chairman) administers the awards and renewals of the title of professional chemist “European Chemist”.

CCS is a member of ChemPubSoc Europe, an association of 16 continental European chemical s ocieties which own and publish leading world technical journals, the first one was “Chemistry – A European Journal” (2012 - Reuters ISI Impact Factor 5.831). The Association was founded in 1990 by a merge of 14 chemical journals owned by national chemical societies which were amalgamated into 11 high-quality European journals.

CCS belongs to significant members of the European Thematic Chemistry Network (ECTN) which associates around 120 universities and technical societies which participate in the education of chemistry, mostly in Europe, and which awards, after the accreditation of study programmes, the “EuroLabel” quality label. ECTN (also with support from CCS experts) developed and operates an electronic web portal for testing the level of chemical knowledge – eChemTest.

CCS actively cooperates with neighbouring national chemical societies, the closest one with the Slovak Chemical Society which every year culminates in the organizing of joint congresses. Within the Central European Region CCS participates in the exchange of students and lectures of excellent young experts. It also participates in the organization of lectures of eminent scientists appreciated e.g. by the designation “Nernst-Ilkovič-Heyrovský Lecture”.

The Society has agreements on cooperation with a number of chemical societies, the last one was concluded (jointly with the Society for Industrial Chemistry and the Czech Society of Chemical Engineering) on the occasion of the visit of a delegation of the Czech government in Izrael with chemical societies of this country. The broad range of activities of CCS in the field of international relations cannot be defined only by the above cited activities, it is based on both vertical and horizontal relations and is also supported by the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports.

Czech Silicate Society

The Czech Silicate Society is a member of the European Ceramic Society which holds significant educational events and enables its members to attend events paying only discount entrance fees. This offers members of the Czech Silicate Society the opportunity to gain new knowledge for their work and to pass this knowledge on to Czech firms‘ experts. Establishing personal contacts with experts from other foreign countries makes their invitation to international conferences held in the Czech Republic possible. There are about 200 participants interested in research and development in the field of above-mentioned materials in significant international conferences such as „Refractory Materials“ organized by the Czech Silicate Society. In this way the Czech Silicate Society contributes to mutual knowledge and mainly the exchange of new knowledge and experience together with material development which has a wide application in all branches where the heating process takes place.

Czech Forestry Society

The Czech Forestry Society (CFS) is since 2010 a member of the international board of YPEF ( – an international competition “Young People in European Forests” and is the national coordinator of this competition in the Czech Republic. Every year hundreds of pupils and students, 13 to 20 years old, from various primary and secondary schools participate in this competition. The winning team then participates in an international pool in one of European countries. Since 2013 CFS is a member of UEF (Union of European Foresters – A CFS representative participates in annual sessions of UEF. The international office of UEF provides individual member organizations with information on political events in the EU concerning forestry. Owing to the active involvement of CFS in this organization, practical cooperation is developed with individual forestry groups from various European countries, e.g. in the form of excursions. In 2014 CFS organized the Presidency Meeting in Prague – a 3-day session of supreme UEF authorities. A representative of CFS is also a member of the board of the Czech representation of the international certification organization PEFC. In 2015 cooperation started with the Polish Forestry Society, which was confirmed by a declaration on mutual information exchange, organization of joint events and development of cooperation between Czech and Polish foresters. CFS also organizes international conferences and seminars. In 2013 this was a seminar dealing with Northern bark-beetles with lecturers from the Czech and Slovak Republic. In 2014 a conference dealing with the Douglas Spruce (Douglas Fir) with lecturers from Germany and Austria and a seminar with an eminent German expert Professor Thommas Knok, focused on sustainable forestry economy. In 2015 it will be an international conference COPPICE, organized under the auspices of IUFRO, with CFS as one of the organizers.

Czech Agricultural Society

The society is a member of the international non-governmental organization of agricultural engineers C.I.G.R. (International Commission of Agricultural Engineering) focused on the field of agricultural technology. The seat of the secretariat is at the Kyoto University in Japan. The general assembly at the C.I.G.R. World Congress – 16.-19.9.2014 in Beijing (China) – re-elected Ass. Prof. Ing. Adolf Rybka, CSc. for the second electoral term 2015-2018 member of the C.I.G.R Executive Board. The Czech Agricultural Society as a member of C.I.G.R. has access to topical information published in a periodical called Newsletter, which among others presents a list of global professional conferences and seminars. The Czech Agricultural Society also sends information to this quarterly on events which it organizes. Czech experts participate in the activities of 7 professional divisions of C.I.G.R. For example, the Czech Agricultural Society in cooperation with the Faculty of Engineering of the Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague organized in September 2013 already the 5th international scientific conference “Trends in Agricultural Engineering 2013”. Proceedings of this conference were issued and included in the global data base (at present the 6th conference in 2016 is in preparation). Members of the Czech Agricultural Society regularly participate with their scientific and professional contributions in various international scientific conferences, e.g. C.I.G.R. (World Congress and conferences organized by universities and regional national associations). In 2015 participation is expected in the 73rd International Congress on Agricultural Engineering LAND.TECHNIK AgEng 2015 organized on the occasion of the biggest world fair “Agrotechnica” which is opened every 2 years in Hannover. Further activities of the Czech Agricultural Society are observed at traditional fairs, repeated every 2 years (SIMA and SIA, Paris, EIMA, Bologna, FIMA Zaragoza, Agrosalon Nitra etc.) Besides the above global activities a number of regional scientific symposia and workshops are organized with participation of Czech experts, members of the Czech Agricultural Society.

Czech Phytomedical Society

Within the scope of its professional activities the Society concluded agreements in 2001 with the German Phytomedical Society (Deutsche Phytomedizinische Gesselschaft e.V.), in 2004 with the Austrian Working Association for Integrated Protection of Plants (Österreichische Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Integrierten Pflanzenschutz) and in 2000 with the Slovak Phytomedical Society on international cooperation in the field of phytomedical care. The contracts did not have a formal character however, they significantly supported professional activities focused on the exchange of information, mutual exchange of experts (in the period of the validity of these agreements altogether 126 experts) and organization of 7 joint events focused on dealing with methods of protection against harmful organisms, endangering the production of plants and safety of raw materials for the production of foodstuffs. In addition consultations are currently in progress on the perfection of the system of phytomedical care and of approaches to methods of implementing EU requirements in this field.

Czech Environmental Protection Society

The Czech Environmental Protection Society is a member of the European Federation of Associations of Environmental Professionals (EFAEP) and shares in the Federation’s effort to achieve its stated goals – to contribute to the effect of policy development with regard to environmental protection, developing collaboration between European experts in the environment, preparation for the ongoing education system of the environment, spreading public knowledge of current problems about environmental protection etc. The EFAEP debates with EU political institutions and administrative staffs, or with other bodies and groups. Regular acquaintance with technical innovations and relevant legislation brings great benefit to the Czech Society. Members of the Czech Environmental Protection Society can work on the Federation’s technical committees and use free connections to the European Network of Environmental Professionals (ENEP).

Czech Society for Small Business

The Czech Society for Small Business is a member of the Confederation of European Pest Control Association (CEPA). The branch of special protected disinfection, disinsestation and deratization closely relates to public health protection and the environment. These problems are at the heart of EU executive interest. There is a series of European Commission and European Parliament standards and laws which have influenced this particular branch. Thanks to the Czech Society for Small Business membership in CEPA the Czech branch is presented on an international scale, introducing legislation, conducting negotiations with the European Office for standardization in order to prevent the activities from those who are without appropriate professional qualification and technical competence. The Czech Republic has actively joined the project „Leonardo da Vinci“ - educational programme implementation, in which learning books for qualification courses were prepared. The Czech delegate was nominated as the director of the European Education Centre for disinsestation and deratization.

Czech Union of Surveyors and Cartographers

The Czech Union of Surveyors and Cartographers is a member of the International Federation of Surveyors (Fédération Internationale des Géometres, FIG) founded in Paris in 1878, which associates surveyors of more than 100 countries from all over the world. Former Czechoslovakia became a member in 1927. FIG established 10 committees and in 9 of them are delegates from the Czech Republic (the only committee unoccupied by us is Committee 04 – Marine Geodesy). In 2000 The Czech Union of Surveyors and Cartographers organized a FIG meeting in Prague, in 2007 a meeting connected with the technical conference K2 (Committee on Education) in Prague, in 2009 a FIG meeting of Francophone groups in Prague and in 2012 the Czech Union of Surveyors and Cartographers organized an international meeting of Committee K7 (Real Estate Register) in Karlovy Vary. The chairman of the Czech Union of Surveyors and Cartographers or a person authorized by him regularly attends the annual meeting of presidents of the national societies. Experts from the Czech Republic present their contributions at FIG technical meetings and appreciate the opportunity to establish personal contacts with prominent world experts. The Czech Union of Surveyors and Cartographers concluded agreements on cooperation with the Slovak Society of Surveyors and Cartographers (SSGK) and the Association of Polish Surveyors (Stowarzyszenie Geodetów Polskich). These associations organize each year, since 1995, ”International Surveyors‘ Days“ held alternatively in one of the member countries (Czech Republic, Poland, or Slovakia). In addition the Society has a similar agreement on cooperation from 11/2010 with the Ukrainian Association of Surveyors and Cartographers.

Czech Society for Applied Cybernetics and Informatics

An associated society of the Czech Society of Applied Cybernetics and Informatics – The Czech and Slovak society for Photonics – celebrates in this year´s International Year of Light the 25th anniversary of its establishment. It is a collective associated member of the European Optical Society (EOS) which associates 3500 individual members and 22 national optical or photonic societies. The aim of the Czech and Slovak Society for Photonics is to contribute to the development of optics and related disciplines in the Czech Republic, Slovak Republic and in Europe, and to associate physical and legal entities involved in these disciplines and in their application. The Czech Society of Applied Cybernetics and Informatics actively participates in EOS activities: since 1995 it organizes under the auspices of EOS every three years the international Photonics Prague conferences with 150-200 scientists from 35 countries participating and every year the conference Optical Communications. Last 5 years it also organizes for the wide public the OPTONICS Forum at the AMPER Fair. A member of the Czech and Slovak Society for Photonics, as the only representative of Central and Eastern Europe, is a member of the EOS Advisory Council. The chairman of the Czech and Slovak Society for Photonics regularly attends EOS General Assemblies.

Society for Environmental Technology

The Society for Environmental Technology has represented the Czech Republic in the Federation of European Heating and Air Conditioning Associations (REHVA) since 2000. Thanks to their membership, Czech experts can join preparations for EU standards and present solutions to significant international projects. The chairman of the Society represents the Society for Environmental Technology and the Czech Republic at REHVA meetings. The chairman is a member of the REHVA Board that deals with technical standards and Statutes for technical fixtures and fittings, programmes for international congresses, REHVA’s publishing activities and other activities. In 2013 the Society for Environmental Technology organized the CLIMA 2013 World Congress, which REHVA organizes regularly in member countries.

Czech Society for Quality

The Czech Society for Quality collaborates with some major international quality organizations. The European Organization for Quality, (EOQ) – and the national partner organization of EOQ brings know-how in education and certification of workers who are involved in Quality Management Systems and similar branches in the Czech Republic. These activities enable not only the Czech Society for Quality but also other organizations (DTO CZ Ostrava) in the Czech Republic to issue national certificates according to European rules and to issue internationally recognized EOQ certificates.

The European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) – The Czech Society for Quality gains latest information about EQM Business Excellence. This model is used as a criterial model for the National Quality Award of the Czech Republic the technical guarantee of which is the Czech Society for Quality. The Society held licensed self-assessment courses in compliance with EFQM rules and provided refresher courses for National Quality Award evaluators. A Centre of Excellence was established for cognizance and exchange of information on the EFQM Model of Excellence.

GLOBALGAP – membership in this organization enables to apply frequently used rules for good agricultural practice in conditions of the Czech Republic. This membership enables us to translate the rules into the Czech language and to ensure their publishing, to participate in technical meetings of certification authorities, to provide up to date technical information for the National GLOBALGAP Technical Group which is associated in the Czech Society for Quality. The certification of CSR policy in agriculture in compliance with GLOBAGAP-GRASP rules is the latest novelty. The American Society for Quality (ASQ) - this membership enables us to gain news on the system of management applied in English-speaking countries. The Czech Society for Quality participates actively in a project called “Global State of Quality”.

United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) – is the biggest organization in the world dealing with corporate social responsibility (CSR). In 2014 The Czech Society for Quality became a signatory of 10 fundamental principles in the field of human rights, labour law, protection of the environment and anti-corruption measures and committed itself to their observation. As one of the first signatories the Czech Society for Quality is a member of the national Global Network Czech Republic which focuses on extension of UNGC principles in the Czech Republic, on education in the field of social responsibility and on affecting CSR topics and sustainability on a strategic level.

Society of Transportation

Since 1993 the Society of Transportation has been a member of the Union of European Railway Engineer Associations, which in relation with the creation of a unified transportation environment in Europe associates engineers of all professions (civil engineering, mechanical engineering, power engineering in railway transportation and operation). Besides exchanges of professional attitudes and organizing seminars and conferences on selected European topics, this Union also strives for an expansion of professional cards which provide flexibility in employing railway transportation personnel all over Europe. In cooperation with this Union the Society of Transportation organized a decade of round table sessions and seminars with participation of significant experts from the Czech Republic and representatives of the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports. Since 1996 the Society of Transportation has been a member of the European Platform for Transport Sciences (ETP), the aim of which is not only to develop professional cooperation between member countries in the field of transportation policy but also to evaluate competitions of young professionals in transportation from these countries. In recent years 5 young engineers has taken the 2nd and 3rd place in these competitions. In 2006 the Society of Transportation in cooperation with ETP and the BVV trade fairs Brno organized an international conference on “Construction and Funding of the Transportation Infrastructure in the EU” with 15 member states participating. In 2013, in cooperation with ETP and the Faculty of Transportation Sciences of the Czech Technical University in Prague, which celebrated the 25th anniversary of its establishment, the society assisted in organizing the 11th European Transportation Congress orientated on the application of scientific knowledge in transportation and on innovation policy in transportation. The Society of Transportation regularly cooperates with its sister transportation society of the Slovak Association ZSVTS and actively participates in the professional activities of this society in Slovakia.

Czech Committee for Scientific Management

The Czech Committee for Scientific Management was founded in 1926 on the incentive of the Masaryk Academy of Labour according to a resolution of the 1st International Congress for Scientific Management in July,

1924. The Resolution also included a demand for the establishment of similar organizations in individual countries which founded CECIOS – the European Council of Management two years later. The Czech Committee for Scientific Management was its co-founder. The present name of the pan-European association of national management organizations is EMA CECIOS. Within the scope of EMA CECIOS a series of projects are currently solved, e.g. the definition of international standards of management competencies on which a lot of European experts led by the principal contractor, the Institute of Management of the United Kingdom, cooperated. EMA CECIOS holds yearly technical meetings in one of its member countries – such a meeting took place in Prague in March, 2009. At present the committee is engaged in the issue of intergenerational exchange of experience and competences in management, namely in the environment of family business and companies. With great enthusiasm the committee is preparing the celebration of the 90th anniversary of the establishment of the Committee in 2016.

Czech Foundry Society

The International Committee of Foundry Technical Associations (Comité International des Associations Techniques de Fonderie, CIATF) was founded in Paris in 1927. The Czechoslovak Foundry Society (founded in 1923) was one of the 8 founder members of this organization. Nowadays the Czech Foundry Society is a member of WFO – World Foundrymen Organization. The task of the WFO Executive Board is to coordinate work in international technical committees, to organize world foundry congresses which present the latest research results from foundry industry of WFO member countries, etc. The first Czech citizen who was elected to the prestigious position of WFO President was Prof. Dr. Ing. František Píšek in 1933, and in the same year the International Foundry Congress took place in Prague, a further congress took place in Prague in 1963. Owing to the fact that in years which followed many of our members actively participated in the work of technical committees, the World Organization management decided to hold the 1st World Foundrymen Congress in Prague in 1986 and to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the birth of professor Píšek. At that time, 1,350 delegates from 33 countries from the whole world participated in the meeting. Prof. Ing. Karel Rusín, DrSc. was nominated as a member of the WFO Executive Board and in 1991 was elected President at a session in Japan. The 3rd Czech who was elected President is Ass. Prof. Ing. Milan Horáček, CSc., which is a great appreciation of Czech foundry industry.

Czech Road Society

The Czech Road Society is a member of the Committee on Operational Safety of Underground Facilities (ITA COSUF) and the World Road Association (PIARC). COSUF was established by the International Tunneling and Underground Space Association (ITA-AIES) in association with the World Road Association in joint discussions in Lausanne in 1986. COSUF activity linked immediately to the working group activity „Tunnel Safety“ of the PIARC Technical Committee. Therefore, working group representatives of the Czech Republic took part in initial discussions in Laussanne. The main aim of the Society was the activity coordination of ITA-AITES and PIARC organizations as founder members ensuring transport infrastructure tunnel safety, particularly in underground tunnel systems. Another major COSUF activity is to gather information about European and world programmes focused on ensuring tunnel safety and providing necessary information for its members. COSUF holds regular meetings of member organizations, at present they are 50 organizations. Two meetings have been held in the Czech Republic.

Czech Scientific and Technical Association of Telecommunications

The Czech Scientific and Technical Association of Telecommunications is a member of the Forum for European Information and Communication Technologies Professionals (FITCE) founded in 1961. FITCE activities are managed by a Steering Committee, comprising one member from each member country, a President who is elected for only a one-year term of office, a Treasurer and a Secretary-General. The main goal of FITCE activities is to organize technical congresses on topical issues of telecommunications, to update its own website in which all presentations can be found provided their authors sent them to the webmaster. The Czech Scientific and Technical Association of Telecommunications was entrusted with the task of organizing the 49th European Congress in September, 2009 at the Prague Diplomat Hotel. From the organizational, professional and societal aspect the congress was a success which cannot be said about the financial returns. The reason was the inability to activate sponsorships from companies active in this field in our country with the sole exception of T-Mobile. At present FITCE CZ was addressed concerning the issue of presidency for the next electoral period, since according to the rule of rotation for the next two years it is the Czech Republic´s turn. Now this issue is discussed at FITCE CZ. Information gained by Czech delegates at professional congresses and available on the FITCE website are regularly published in the Czech Republic for Czech experts prevailingly in the magazine “Telekomunikace” (

Association for Pulp and Paper Industry

The Association for Pulp and Paper Industry has been a member of the European Liaison Committee for Pulp and Paper (EUCEPA) almost since its foundation in 1969. EUCEPA members are similarly orientated national organizations of pulp and paper industry. EUCEPA activities are managed by the assembly of national associations’ chairmen held twice a year. The Association for Pulp and Paper Industry (also representing Slovakia) has actually been a member of EUCEPA since its foundation in 1969. Among the main benefits of our membership are e.g. transfer of information between member organizations, reciprocal participation in events of EUCEPA member organizations with the financial effect of participant entrance fees, participation in projects which EUCEPA investigates etc. Thanks to good personal contacts, information about events organized in the Czech Republic can be published in technical magazines, e.g. in Finland, Sweden, France, etc. EUCEPA organizes at least once in two years a meeting with partner organizations, e.g. from USA, Brasil, Japan, etc., where issues are discussed from the field of telecommunications in various regions, development trends and also the approach to the young generation of engineers.

Czech Association of Inventors and Innovators

The Czech Association of Inventors and Innovators is a member of the International Federation of Inventors‘ Associations (IFIA) founded in 1968 and today it has 85 members made up of national inventors‘ associations. Its aim is to increase social prestige of inventors and promote cooperation between national inventors‘ associations. Within its activities it holds conferences, workshops, seminars, experts‘ meetings etc. The Czech Association of Inventors and Innovators publishes surveys and studies, declares competitions, organizes inventors‘ exhibitions and fairs in different countries etc. In 2008 IFIA held the Inventor Festival in China, at which cca 3,200 inventors from 63 countries of the world were present. 555 inventors took part in the competition for the best exhibits and the Czech invention EXPLONIX by J. Bláha won a gold medal. The invention of engineer Miroslav Sedláček‘s SETUR bladeless turbine placed 4th. In 2009, the representative of the Czech Association of Inventors and Innovators took part in the International Invention Fair Genius – Budapest, where the bladeless centripetal flow turbine was awarded with a prize. The international exhibition „Ideas – Inventions – New Products“ in Nuremberg, where 33 countries of the world exhibited over 800 inventions, has shown the interest in solutions for problems to help inventors to be on the increase. The Czech Association of Inventors and Innovators also exhibited posters, models and provided various information leaflets for participants there. The Technical University of Liberec inventors showed a movable model of University electric motor and generator construction kits there. The IFIA bodies emphasize the importance of innovations based on inventions created by true inventors in smaller firms, at universities et al.

Czech Nuclear Society

Czech experts are very active in the European Nuclear Society (ENS). Cooperation brings exchange of information in the field of nuclear power engineering and related fields, knowledge gained from the promotion of unbiased information for laymen, popularization of experience for secondary school and university students´ experience, etc. Work in the ENS has a broad range – the most substantial benefit for the Czech Republic is the participation of officials of the Czech Nuclear Society in the activities of technical committees, where basic information from all Europe is dealt with. Young experts work in the division ”ENS Young Generation“ and participate in technical congresses and seminars. New knowledge from sessions of the European Nuclear Society is presented on the events of the Czech Nuclear Society also on its website. Contacts with this European organization also makes it possible to gain significant foreign experts from the field of nuclear power engineering for lecturing in the Czech Republic. The Czech society closely cooperates with the Slovak nuclear society (SNUS) and contracts on cooperation are also concluded with nuclear societies from Germany, Bulgaria, USA and China. The Vice-President of the Czech Nuclear Society, Ing. Václav Hanus is Vice-President of the Steering Committee of the nuclear communications network of nuclear information NucNet. The Vice-President of the Czech Nuclear Society RNDr. Miroslav Kawalec is a member of the ENS Board and Ing. Zlámal is a member of the Executive Committee of the division “Young Generation”.

Czech Society for Blasting Techniques and Pyrotechnics

The Czech Society for Blasting Techniques and Pyrotechnics is a member of the European Federation of Explosives Engineers (EFEE), associating explosive experts. Here national societies collaborate on harmonizing the rules and regulations for this particular branch. The EFEE steering committee meetings, which a delegate of the Czech Society for Blasting Techniques and Pyrotechnics regularly attends, take place twice a year. Czech delegates also take part in technical seminars that the European Federation of Explosives Engineers hold in alternating European countries. Our delegates acquire technical information and knowledge of the activities of other national societies here.

Czech Biotechnological Society

Czech experts on biotechnology join in the work of the European Federation of Biotechnology (EFB) whose main task is to support this branch and the effort to make biotechnology serve for the benefit of society in Europe and in the world. The EFB sends Internet newsletters regularly to its member societies, the news is forwarded by the Czech Biotechnological Society management to all members who are involved in its e-mail information service. European Federation management has established very close contacts with the relevant EU commission and tries to protect the interests of biotechnology, including the themes of scientific framework programmes. Every member can share in these activities, e.g. commenting on the proposed materials. The EFB holds by itself or in cooperation with another society a lot of events, members of the Czech Biotechnological Society are given a discount. The Czech Biotechnological Society can influence the activities of the European Federation of Biotechnology through its great effort at the general assemblies but our representatives cannot occupy a position in the EFB for the time being, because of a lack of finances the Czech Society cannot meet expenditures for these activities.

Czech Society of Glass Technology

The Czech Society of Glass Technology is a member of two significant international organizations focused on glass research and development: the International Commission on Glass (ICG) and the European Society of Glass Science and Technology (ESG). Their main goals are to extend the range of results of science, research and development in the field of glass materials, glass technologies. The Czech Society of Glass Technology is represented by two members in the ICG Board and by three members in the ESG Board. Both organizations highly appreciate the participation of Czech experts. This was the reason why the Czech Society of Glass Technology was entrusted with the organization of the already 23rd International Congress on Glass. From June 30 till July 5, 2013  703 scientists and technologists from the field of glass from 43 countries from the whole world were welcomed at the Prague Congress Centre. A significant appreciation was the presentation of the ICG President´s Award to Prof. Josef Matoušek, President emeritus of the Czech Society of Glass Technology. Other more significant events with international participation in the last 5 years were: “13th International Conference – Glass Production Machinery” on September 9, 2012 jointly with TU Liberec with 65 participants e.g. from Taiwan, Russia, Germany, Austria and Slovakia; the 8th International Conference on Borate Glasses, Crystals and Melts from May 30 till July 4, 2014 at the University of Pardubice. The latter event was organized in cooperation with the British Society of Glass Technology. 154 scientists from 22 countries participated in this conference.

Every three years our society organizes jointly with the Slovak society of glass technology a “Czech and Slovak Conference on Glass”. The last two conferences were in Žďár nad Sázavou (Czech Republic) and in Trenčianské Teplice (Slovakia).

Czech Society of Automobile Engineers

The Czech Society of Automobile Engineers has been a member of the society of International Federation of Automotive Engineering Societies (FISITA) since 1966 – an international organization of similar national societies whose countries develop their own automotive industry, at present there are approximately 40 societies. The Czech Society of Automobile Engineers has its representatives in FISITA committees – on the Education Committee, Internal Relations Committee, Finance Committee and Technical Committee. The chairman of the Czech Society of Automobile Engineers attends FISITA plenary meetings as a delegate. Members of the Society have the opportunity to participate in technical congresses in different European countries, where they can get up-to-date information about technical innovations and the situation in automotive industries in other countries. Czech experts work actively in committees and thus the Czech Society of Automobile Engineers was requested to hold the world congress in Prague in 1996, and to arrange several FISITA annual plenary meetings, the last being in 2007. The Czech Society of Automobile Engineers in cooperation with international organizations also provides membership of the SAE International (North American Society of Automotive Engineers) for its members. The SAE International includes most Austro-Asiatic societies. This membership enables access to the database of technical information, advantageous membership fees for all SAE events, and access to the automotive world of the greatest participants in the world automotive industry. The Czech Society of Automobile Engineers holds a traditional international conference Autosympo as an accompaniment programme of the international exhibition Autosalon/Autotec in Brno every year.

Czech Society for New Materials and Technologies (CSNMT)

The society is a member of several global and European societies for materials and in some has its  representative in executive and scientific boards. Thus it participates in the activities of these societies and organization of international conferences. Concerned are the following societies:

FEMS (Federation of European Materials Societies), associating 24 materials societies from 22 European countries with more than 26 000 members. A representative of CSNMT is a member of the FEMS board, member of the editorial board of the publication “Newsletter” and actively participates in the organizing of an international conference for young experts Junior EUROMAT and the EUROMAT conference.

SAMPE (Society for the Advancement of Material Process Engineering) has its headquarters in USA and associates material experts from the whole world. Besides USA it has independent Chapters on all continents – e.g. in Japan, China, South America. The European branch of SAMPE, which is very active, associates 11 independent Chapters (the Benelux, Germany, Spain, France, Great Britain, Italy, Finland, Switzerland, Russia, Ukraine). An independent SAMPE Czech Chapter has also been established, the chairman of the Chapter (member of the CSNMT board) is simultaneously a member of the Executive Board of SAMPE Europe and a member of the scientific board. SAMPE Europe is very active in organizing international conferences – e.g. SEICO Paris etc. The SAMPE Czech Chapter also regularly delegates a selected student to a conference of young scientists, who compete in presentation of their work. SAMPE publishes its own magazine, the SAMPE Journal. ENMat (European Network of Material Research Centres) associates 24 research centres from 15 countries. CSNMT is a co-founder of this significant materials network and is represented in its Executive Board. The Network is very active in organizing international consortia and presenting projects and also publishes its own Newsletter. The significance of this Network is documented by the great interest of European research centres in applying for membership. TMS (The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society) is an American society with approx. 12 000 members all over the world. It organizes regularly a number of conferences, seminars and exhibitions. It also has an extensive publication activity. CSNMT and TMS concluded an agreement on longtime cooperation. CSNMT representatives regularly participate in annual sessions of this organization and in international conferences organized on the occasion of these sessions.

ASM International is a society of materials engineers and scientists with its headquarters in USA. Its structure comprises Chapters. It is represented in the Czech Republic by a member of the CSNMT Board. The publication activity and organizing seminars on technical issues is very extensive.

Czech Society for Technical Standardization

The Czech Society for Technical Standardization shortly after its establishment by transformation from the committee of the Czech Association of Scientific-Technical Societies for technical standardization established active cooperation namely in the exchange of information, in professional consultations and participation of delegates of the Czech Society for Technical Standadization in joint meetings with foreign societies, e.g. the German Deutsches Institut für Normung e.V., Ausschuss Normenpraxis, Arbeitskreis Nürnberg für Bayern, Austrian Economy and Standards Network Austria im Österreichischen Normungsinstitut and the Swiss Fachgremium Normenpraxis. Besides issues on cooperation, the programme of regular meetings organized several times a year, includes various contributions on topical issues, e.g. creation and application of technical standards, development of certain perspective fields on all levels and related spheres. Participants in these sessions can also join excursions to leading industrial companies. Many members of the Czech Society for Technical Standardization within the scope of various committees actively participate in the creation and reviewing of namely EN and ISO international standards. Among members of the Czech Society for Technical Standardization are employees of the Czech Office for Standards, Metrology and Testing, who organize this activity on behalf of the Czech Republic on an international level and who also participate in the above joint sessions.

Czech Committee for Electric Heating and Technology

The Czech Committee for Electric Heating and Technology has been a member of the International Union for Electricity Applications (UIE) headquartered in Paris since 1964. The Czech Committee has its representative in working group 3 focused on Education, Research and Dissemination of Knowledge in the area of electric heating, whose knowledge is brought to the Czech Republic. The Czech Committee gains the latest information about teaching methods, research purposes, subjects of final works in engineering and doctorate studies. This knowledge is submitted to electrothermal engineering professors at regular meetings of Czech university departments of electrical engineering. Working group 3 prepares Power Point teaching materials of principles and applications of processes for electrical engineering, which each national committee of UIE member countries obtains free. The Czech Committee takes part in the holding of UIE international seminars, organizes the General Council or working group meetings etc.

Czech National Committee of the International Measurement Confederation

The Czech National Committee of IMEKO is a member of the International Measurement Confederation (IMEKO). The basic goal of the international organization is to promote international exchange of scientific and technical information in the field of measurement technology and measuring equipment and also to promote international collaboration between scientists and engineers engaged in measurement research and industry. IMEKO‘s activity is managed by the General Council, each member country has one delegate (occasionally two). The Council is headed by a President. IMEKO‘s activity is professionally categorized into 24 technical committees the work of which is controlled by a Steering Committee. Included in its activities are the organization of world technical congresses, symposia and workshops. Czech experts are also involved in the work of IMEKO – at present our delegates are represented in 15 technical committees with Ass. Prof. Holub as chairman of TC1. Our representatives are members of the supreme authorities of IMEKO – Prof. Volf is Vice-President and member of the General Council.

Czech Society of Chemical Engineering

The Czech Society of Chemical Engineering became a member of the European Federation of Chemical Engineers (EFChI) in 1966 and from the very beginning many of its members have actively participated in the international activities of the Federation. They participated in the work of Federation‘s working groups and steering committees. The activities of Czech experts culminated in 2006 by the election of professor Jiří Drahoš President of the European Federation of Chemical Engineers, the first President from an Eastern European country. A considerable benefit for the Czech Society of Chemical Engineering is the participation of 30 Czech experts in 25 Federation working groups. At regular meetings the working groups deal with significant issues concerning chemical and process engineering. In many cases the working groups give basic mandatory instructions on terminology, measurement methods, standardized methods etc. These instructions are recognized by experts all over the world. In the past the Czech Society of Chemical Engineering gained presidency in several working groups. The European Federation of Chemical Engineers emphasizes an environmental approach to its work. One of the major activities of the Czech Society of Chemical Engineering is the organization of regular International Congresses of Chemical and Process Engineering CHISA in Prague which are organized since 1962. About 1 000 experts from all over the world have recently participated.

Chamber of Surveyors and Cartographers

The Chamber of Surveyors and Cartographers has represented Czech surveyors and cartographers in the Council of European Geodetic Surveyors associating experts from 26 countries since 1999. The international organization enables the exchange of technical and scientific knowledge and it has devoted a great deal of attention to possibilities of improvement of professional education since 1999. An ad hoc working group prepared in collaboration with all member countries a proposal called the Code of Conduct for European Surveyors that was submitted to the general assembly (GA) and later approved by the GA after an Internet Forum in Rome, September, 2009. The Code of Conduct Codex will be translated by the Chamber of Surveyors and Cartographers into the Czech language. Related problems are discussed by the GA participants who meet twice a year. The Chamber of Surveyors and Cartographers held general assemblies of the Council of European Geodetic Surveyors in 2000 and in 2008. Our activities in the Council of European Geodetic Surveyors bring up-to-date information to the Czech Republic, as well as offering the possibility for presenting Czech experts‘ experience in an international forum.

Czech Power Engineering Society

Although The Czech Power ngineering Society (CENES) is not a member of any international organization, it closely cooperates with the Polish Society of Electrical Engineering (Stowarzyszenie Elektryków Poskich) SEP Poznaň and SEP Wroclaw mainly in the exchange of experience in the supply of electric energy in near border areas provided by suppliers of electricity ČEZ (Czech Republic) and TAURON (Poland).


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